January 11, 2022

On January 7, 2022, the provincial health officer announced an order requiring employers to re-activate their COVID-19 Safety Plans.

This replaces the previous requirement for employers to have communicable disease prevention plans in their workplaces. While communicable disease prevention plans and COVID-19 Safety Plans share some of the same fundamental principles, COVID-19 Safety Plans are formal, written plans with more rigorous controls and are more appropriate for periods of elevated risk, such as the one currently faced by B.C. workplaces by the Omicron variant.


At the beginning of the pandemic RCABC engaged Arcose Consulting Ltd. to develop the following COVID Policy and COVID Risk Assessment.  Please use these tools or portions of them to assist you in re-activating your companies response to the risks associated with COVID-19 on your job sites.

COVID Policy

COVID Risk Assessment