UPDATE – August 20, 2020 Dear Stakeholders: As you know, on July 22, 2020, the Board of Directors approved amendments to Schedule 1 of the Workers Compensation Act, to add a presumption for infections caused by communicable viral pathogens, which […]
What is the potential risk? The COVID-19 pandemic has created a global supply shortage for N95 respirators approved by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). NIOSH is the certification body that approves all N95 filtering facepiece […]
From: Infrastructure Canada (infrastructure.gc.ca) DELTA – New investments in community infrastructure by the governments of Canada and British Columbia will benefit Lower Mainland communities while also supporting economic recovery in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic by getting projects underway and meeting […]
From May 20 to June 1, 2020 members of 8 Provincial Trade Associations were asked to respond to a survey on the effects of COVID-19 on business. The purpose of the survey was to: Gauge Business Prospects Identify Challenges Evaluate […]
Following up on our March 2020 Update, COVID-19 continues to impact basically every segment of the construction industry in British Columbia. What has changed since March is that parties now tendering and bidding on construction projects and entering into […]
RCABC is a signatory on the following letter from 24 national and provincial construction and engineering associations to Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, P.C., M.P. regarding temporary sick pay during the COVID-19 emergency period. Construction Sector Support for Temporary Sick Pay […]
Source: Vancouver Sun Published: May 29, 2020 Construction Sector United in Fight Against COVID-19 – OPEN LINK FOR LIST OF SIGNATORIES Innovation was key to completing everyday jobs. For example, how do two workers cooperate to hang a door that […]
John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia; Brian Pallister, Premier of Manitoba; and Sandy Silver, Premier of Yukon; have issued the following joint statement regarding a proposed national sick leave program: “We’re pleased that the federal government is looking at a sick leave program that protects people and […]
Scott Construction Group has partnered with ITC Construction Group to launch the #LunchBoxChallenge to support local restaurants while also protecting the health of its employees during COVID-19. The idea of the #LunchBoxChallenge is simple: construction companies buy lunches locally for […]
Thank you for your patience and support while we collectively navigate the evolving global impact of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). During these extraordinary times, the safety of our families, co-workers and communities is our No. 1 priority. In response to […]
To all members and stakeholders; Today the provincial government released additional safety standards for construction sites. For expediency I’m getting this info to you by forwarding the VRCA email which contains links to the appropriate documents. It is critical that […]
RCABC CEO Bryan Wallner and CRCA Executive Director Bob Brunet have forwarded this CORRESPONDENCE to Premier John Horgan and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau emphasizing the importance of the roofing industry and its suppliers during this global pandemic.
Construction Contracts and COVID-19 Tyler Galbraith1 COVID-19 is now impacting basically every segment of the construction industry in British Columbia. While a pandemic was probably not contemplated by the parties when entering into their construction contract, it is the contract […]
VIRTUAL HOTLINE At an unprecedented time like this, communicating your situation to us is more important than ever. We are asking you to keep us informed by filling out the COVID-19 Virtual Hotline Survey. Together, with the BC Construction Association […]
Dear member, Further to yesterday’s email (COVID-19 Update No. 2), I am writing to share the clarity we received today regarding the provincial health officer’s March 16, 2020 order concerning mass gatherings. This afternoon, the provincial health officer clarified that […]
Dear Members and Stakeholders; Given today’s announcements by Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry and Prime Minister Trudeau’s press conference this morning, RCABC, will be making some immediate revisions to our service delivery. RCABC Office All RCABC departments are open for […]
RCABC welcomes Robert Scales! Rob Scales has been hired as Director of Education and Training at the RCABC Educational Foundation (REF). Rob assumed his new role August 13th after an industry search and meeting with a variety of people at […]
Journal of Commerce | BCCA Employee Benefit Trust | June 25, 2019 (From left) Builders Code Trainer Diane Bourret and Builders Code Equity Advisors Jessi Dhanju, Adeline Huynh, and Diane Jolicoeur. There’s a new voluntary code in town and its designed […]
[FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] Trade Contractors Celebrate Passing of Federal Prompt Payment Law The Prompt Payment for Construction Work Act was signed into law on June 21st, 2019 June 21st, 2019 — OTTAWA Canada’s trade contractors are celebrating the passage of […]
Raleigh, NC—On April 1, 2019, RCI, Inc., a nonprofit association originally incorporated in 1983 as the Roof Consultants Institute (RCI), will officially become the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC; pronounced eye-bec). The change, approved by its membership after […]